Thoughts and issues regarding the past and present of a great football club by "The Chronicler".

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Aston Villa Chronicles (1874-1924)

This publication has been very well received by the Villa readership and my heartfelt thanks go to all those who have reported their enjoyment of the pages describing the wonderful early days of this great Club.

I must state my appreciation, of course, to the Club for underwriting the complete cost of printing and binding this publication, and to the great backing given to the publication by Professor Carl Chinn by way of his foreword to the book, his radio programme and also free advertising in his Brummagem magazine, etc.

Having now recovered all my share of the costs in its production, I am pleased to announce that I have instructed the Club to pay all my future royalties (some 75% of the total royalties due to me) to the sterling work of the 'Save the Children' charity.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of The Chronicles, please click here for further information.

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