When the leathered sphere in Aston landed, the Villa triers together banded and though they showed not the best, yon Park became a heath of contest. Though the Villans efforts were great - a story so sad to relate - they at first came not to the fore; but all changed when a Scot knocked on their door. Brother, prithee, tell me what magnet like some super dragnet, could have the force to pull such a worthy from the Celtic land?
The "dapper little man" who wanted a game, who showed them all how to dribble, and the ball to tame - his name, Ramsay, spread like a flame; outside Aston's borders, he even had fame. To the Barr, he led the Villa hence, to build a centre par excellence; Aston's Lower Grounds left awhile for a new home for his Pets, on trial.
Fully charged, the magnet worked its pow'r - the kindly draper, McGregor, from Calthorpe, was pulled this way, the League's father, they say. And many brith'r Scots, too, - a wonderful crew; and many another friend, a Band of Brothers did blend. That Ramsay Celt really sowed the seed; and from the acorn came the grand oak to feed many years of splendorous teams soon grew, whose feats many tried to copy, its true.
And now, with Merlin's spirit here once more, renewing the passion to push ajar that door (that we thought had hung on calcified hinges) and so defying the critics' whinges! And let there be inscribed upon the bark of this great oak, no longer in the dark, that here lies a big, big club ... Aston Villa; prepared, and always at the hub.
The "dapper little man" who wanted a game, who showed them all how to dribble, and the ball to tame - his name, Ramsay, spread like a flame; outside Aston's borders, he even had fame. To the Barr, he led the Villa hence, to build a centre par excellence; Aston's Lower Grounds left awhile for a new home for his Pets, on trial.
Fully charged, the magnet worked its pow'r - the kindly draper, McGregor, from Calthorpe, was pulled this way, the League's father, they say. And many brith'r Scots, too, - a wonderful crew; and many another friend, a Band of Brothers did blend. That Ramsay Celt really sowed the seed; and from the acorn came the grand oak to feed many years of splendorous teams soon grew, whose feats many tried to copy, its true.
And now, with Merlin's spirit here once more, renewing the passion to push ajar that door (that we thought had hung on calcified hinges) and so defying the critics' whinges! And let there be inscribed upon the bark of this great oak, no longer in the dark, that here lies a big, big club ... Aston Villa; prepared, and always at the hub.